My Biz Niche is one of the nation’s fastest growing marketing companies. For a lot of good reasons.

But here's the big one. We retain our clients on results.

How so?

We made it trackable.
We made it accountable.
We created an advertising model that could prove results.

Reflecting real ROI for the dollars spent.
Real ROI that would make a CFO smile.

Not simply “better overall traffic” or “more buzz” in the marketplace, but more sales, more ROI.

We don't just say we can produce huge ROI, We actually do it.

Just look at what we did for Travis’ business Arizona’s Best Garage Door.

MBN helped Arizona’s Best Garage Door & Repair Company

  • Produced 161% increase in conversions
  • Increased their overall SEO growth by 27%
  • Click-through rate jumped +50%
Travis Trentham
Founder & CEO  |  Arizona’s Best Garage Door and Repair Company

Generating an overall 200% increase in form fills and calls.

Reduced their average cost per lead by 21%

Produced a 47% conversion rate

70% Revenue Increase Year Over Year without increasing ad spend.

And we can do the same for your Garage Door Company.

© 2025 My Biz Niche - A Damn Good Marketing Company in Phoenix, AZ. All Rights Reserved

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